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Vertigo Attention

2019-04-22 15:29:32 2289

Many people think that vertigo is caused by their own cervical spondylosis, so it is easy to ignore other symptoms and delay the condition. In fact, there are many diseases that make people feel vertigo. Here are some diseases that make you "vertigo".

Vertigo is a kind of illusion of movement or position. Because of the disturbance of sense of balance, it causes the illusion of motion of static scenery, such as rotation, swing or floating. Cervical spondylosis and many other diseases can cause vertigo.


Why is it dizzy?


Its pathogenesis is that the maintenance of human balance must be accomplished by vestibular, visual organs and deep receptors, which are closely coordinated to maintain body balance.

The vestibule is the most important. The vestibule of inner ear transmits external information to the vestibular center of cerebral cortex through vestibular nerve and vestibular nucleus, and then sends out centrifugal impulse from brain, cerebellum, spinal cord and reticular structure, which causes necessary sensation and reflection to maintain body balance.


The maintenance of this process requires the involvement of nervous system, blood system, cardiovascular system, sensory system, motor system and autonomic nervous system. Any link with pathological changes can cause vertigo and balance disorders.

What is cervical vertigo?


Cervical vertigo is a kind of vertigo caused by qualitative and functional lesions of cervical spine and related soft tissue generators. It is mainly caused by the disorder of vertebrobasilar artery blood supply caused by the pathological changes of cervical vertebral bone and soft tissue of cervical spine system that causes a series of symptoms.

Which diseases can cause dizziness?


Diseases that can cause vertigo can be summarized as follows:

(1) Diseases of the auditory system: cerumen of the external auditory canal, foreign body stimulation, inflammation of the external auditory canal, obstruction of the eustachian tube in the middle ear, dyspnea, barotrauma of the middle ear, acute and chronic catarrhal otitis media, suppurative otitis media, etc., infection of the inner ear, vascular diseases, trauma, Meniere's disease, otosclerosis and positional vertigo.

(2) Central injuries, infections, tumors, cerebrovascular accidents, multiple sclerosis (20% with vertigo), epilepsy seizures, brain atrophy, etc.

(3) Mental vertigo.

(4) Lesions of the visual system.


(5) Proprioceptive sensory system from spinal nerve posterior root, spinal cord posterior cord, thalamus, to cerebral and cerebral cortex parietal pathway, cervical spondylosis syndrome, skull base vasculopathy syndrome, etc.

(6) Cardiovascular hypertension and hypertensive heart disease, atherosclerosis, valvular heart disease, coronary artery disease, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, hypotension, carotid sinus syndrome, etc.

(7) Various primary and secondary anemia and leukemia in the blood system.

(8) Hypothyroidism of thyroid and parathyroid glands in endocrine system, adrenal adenoma, abnormal insulin metabolism, etc.]

(9) Poisoning by various drugs, chemicals, carbon monoxide and alcohol.

Therefore, in order to make a differential diagnosis among so many diseases, we must collect the medical history comprehensively, carry out necessary systemic examinations, and make a comprehensive analysis of clinical symptoms and signs in order to make a correct diagnosis.

How to distinguish?


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