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Is the problem of long legs or short legs?

2019-01-28 09:22:49 2386


Ice Breaking of Thought

The orthopaedic doctor in our hospital said that the sacroiliac joint was dislocated and gave her the sacroiliac joint. The rehabilitation doctor said that she was too tight in iliopsoas and lumbar quadratus muscles and weak in gluteus maximus, so she was given muscle relaxation and activation. In short, as long as these treatments allow her right iliac bone to pronate back, she will immediately ease, but at the same time she will quickly back. After examining the patient in detail, I found that there was a slight dislocation in her left hip (which could not be seen in the film), and the whole left hip was stuck dead. After I helped her reposition the left hip, the legs became the same length. She went back to the street for a day, and her right knee joint was no longer painful.



When many doctors see patients with long or short legs, they will habitually repair the pelvis, knee joint or ankle on the side of the short leg. But long or short legs are not all "short leg" problems. That's why many people quickly dislocate their pelvis after pelvic replacement and loosen their joints after a long time, but the problem remains unsolved. So when we encounter the problem of long and short legs, we should first know whether it is the problem of "long legs" or "short legs"? Instead of catching the pelvis and repositioning it when you encounter long or short legs.


Yesterday morning, I met a patient in the consulting room who had a hamstring strain on the back of his right thigh that had not been good for more than two years. Before that, all kinds of treatment had been done in the area of the strain, and the skin there was black, but still painful. After careful examination, I found that her right Achilles tendon was significantly shortened. She should have a short right leg and a long left leg. But she's the other way round. Her right leg is long and her left leg is short. When I helped her stretch the right Achilles tendon, her legs became the same length, it should be the right leg became longer, ah, why is it shorter?

In fact, the reason is that after the Achilles tendon is extended, the abnormal tension of the popliteal muscle which was up and up before is released, so the hamstring muscle in the back of thigh has the same tension as the quadriceps femoris in the front of thigh (the tension balance between the front and the back), so the pelvis that was rotated forward is coming back. After the treatment, she has the same tension as the quadriceps femoris in the front of thigh (the tension balance between the front and back). The popliteal muscle on the side is painless.

So the problem of long and short legs should first be made clear whether it is the problem of long legs or short legs, rather than just catching the pelvis of short side legs for reduction. This reduction is highly speculative. If you get it right, you'll get it wrong, and you'll never get it wrong. And long and short legs are not moving the pelvis, pulling the leg alone will become the same length, which is meaningless.


