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Mindfulness 2 How the Human Body Produces Energy Field

2019-04-10 16:36:20 1979

The human body can emit a glow invisible to the naked eye.

When you touch your lover's index finger, the glow from your fingertips creates a lightning-like connection; when you say "I love you" to your intimate partner, a mass of material energy is released from your chest and flies to another person, which sounds like a magic movie, but it's a real physical phenomenon. In the past few decades, the study of human energy has developed to an amazing degree.

Professor Constantine Korotkov, a Russian quantum physicist and inventor of Krian's digital photography, explores the energy field of the human body from a scientific point of view, as well as the factors affecting the energy of the human body.



Krian Photography and Human Energy



The Krian photography, originally invented, is not accepted by the scientific community, which emphasizes "constant effect" because of its ineffective effect. Therefore, Korotkov decided to invent a stable, environmentally friendly digital Krian photography.

In 1995, Korotkov and his team used state-of-the-art technology to invent the first digital Krian photography, Gas Discharge Visualization.

GDV photography can observe the photon energy emitted by human body and the change of human energy field in different states. With the deepening of research, Korotkov deeply felt that energy research will bring great benefits and Enlightenment to human society.

Positive and negative emotions, not only affect their own energy

Nowadays, consciousness science is an important part of western scientific research. The so-called "consciousness" refers to people's perception of external things, their own thinking, emotions and so on.

Korotkov found that people's mental and emotional state can affect the human body's energy field.

The changes of human body energy field under different emotions can be observed by GDV photography. For example, when a person expresses positive emotions, such as pleasure and jokes, his energy field increases.


Recently, Korotkov participated in an experiment in Mexico to measure the effects of comedy on human energy fields. The results showed that when participants watched a comedy movie, their energy fields increased.

The negative emotions of anger, jealousy and hatred can shrink, impair or even disappear the energy field. More seriously, people with negative emotions will not only reduce their own energy field, but also affect the energy field of others. The study found that when a person has hatred, the energy field around him is negatively affected.

"Love" can stimulate energy mass and produce energy transfer.

"Love is the strongest human emotion." Korotkov said. This kind of feeling can have a great influence on the body of two people who love and are loved.

Korotkov observed the interaction of two loved ones'energy fields through two different experimental methods. He asked participants to put their fingers together in pairs. He found that when two people are in love with each other, the energy fields emitted by their fingertips are intermingled with each other under Krian photography, and their energy fields extend into lightning-like glow and connect. If two people have no feelings for each other, their energy fields are separated.


In another way, he used the GDV system to observe electronic images of participants'whole body energy fields. In the experiment, when a person expresses his love to another person, a clear energy substance can be seen in the image, flying from the heart of the lover to the heart of the loved one.

Korotkov shows that this kind of "energy transfer" is not just imaginary, but the transmission of real "mass energy group". This energy group contains many kinds of energy substances, such as electrons, photons, infrasound and so on. That's why when a person is sick, he or she will recover faster if he or she is supported and accompanied by his or her lover.

Does "intuition" really exist?

Korotkov found that people can sense the "people behind them". In one experiment, participants were asked to sit in their seats and another person was allowed to approach behind him, during which the reaction of the person in the seat was observed. The results show that when approaching a stranger from behind, in most cases, the energy field of the person sitting on the seat does not change. When their family and lover come close behind, their energy field increases immediately.


Korotkov said that this is the interaction of the energy field between people. "We emit the energy field, not just to send it out, but to touch and perceive the surrounding environment through the energy field." In his opinion, this is part of human's "intuition".

In ancient times, people had the ability to perceive tension, to feel the changes of climate and environment, and to perceive the people around them. "But now this ability has deteriorated and is less sensitive to the environment than in the past." But our subconscious mind still responds to our surroundings. GDV photography confirms this through real experiments.

Rock and roll and classical music, the great contrast of energy

Korotkov also studied the effects of the external environment and things on human energy, including water, food, different materials, and music.

"Music has a tremendous impact on the human body." Korotkov said.

In 2014, the Petrov Institute of Oncology and the Russian Research Center for Radiology and Surgery conducted a large-scale survey to compare the average life expectancy of different creative professionals.

The study surveyed 49,000 representatives from visual arts, music, literature and academia. The results showed that rock musicians, 43.6 years for men and 37.6 years for women, had the lowest life expectancy.


Why does this happen? Korotkov experimentally studied the effects of different music on the human body. He found that when people listen to rock music, their energy field rises to a peak for a short time, then begins to decline, falling below the initial value.

According to Korotkov, according to age and music preference, energy may rise at different times in the first place, but eventually it will inevitably decline.

On the contrary, classical music has a positive effect on human energy field and can improve human health. Korotkov speculates that this may be because the frequency of classical music is somewhat consistent with the frequency of human brain waves, so it can play a positive role in the human body.

How does energetics drive today's medicine?

Korotkov applied the concept of traditional Chinese medicine to energy research. He believes that it is very reasonable for ancient Chinese to invent and spread the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, which has been confirmed by many studies. Nowadays, more and more people have various problems and diseases.

They see another doctor from one doctor. The more they see "illness", the more they prescribe one medicine after another. These different drugs clash in the body and make the environment worse. Korotkov decided to find the real problem in human body by observing and analyzing the changes of human energy based on the concept of traditional Chinese medicine.

He applied the theory of "human meridians" in traditional Chinese medicine to GDV photography and developed a system for measuring and analyzing human energy. For the most sensitive and easily measured part of the human body, finger, the light emitted by ten fingers is measured.


According to the meridian concept of traditional Chinese medicine, different fingers connect different organ systems of the body. The GDV camera captures the glow image of the finger and transforms it into data related to the physical characteristics of the human body. Through these energy data, the intrinsic energy of different organ systems and the overall energy state of the human body can be evaluated.

In the electronic image of GDV, the energy field of healthy or calm people is very strong, and the periphery of the field is very round; people with emotional excitement will appear spark-like peaks around the energy field; and when a person's body problems, or even diseases, his energy field will appear holes, gaps and other abnormalities. Different energy anomalies correspond to different organ systems, so they can reflect the source of the problem.

Korotkov believes that through this observation, people can keep in a healthy state, early detection of physical problems, and even potential problems, and to improve the nature of the problem.

This is just like the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, the purpose is to keep the body in a healthy state all the time, instead of treating diseases like western medicine. Korotkov stressed that he was not against Western medicine. His wife and many friends were doctors. He believed that we should "combine the concepts of Chinese medicine and Western medicine" to achieve better results.

Ideas can be "teleported"

Korotkov has also done many other important experiments, such as remote ideological transmission experiments. He found that people's minds can influence people in the distance, even remote sensors.

When a person in one city sends an idea to a sensor in another city, or even at the other end of the world, the sensor can receive and respond.


Korotkov said, "This phenomenon may only be explained quantum level, and at this stage only hypothesis can be put forward. We already have some ideas, but we need more experiments to prove the cause of this phenomenon.

Energy research unacceptable to the scientific community

The study of human consciousness and energy has been prevalent since the last century, and new discoveries have been made. However, these studies have not been generally recognized and accepted by the scientific community.

Asked why, Korotkov said, "It's a long story. When scientists have become accustomed to a certain viewpoint and idea, they will study on this "known idea". Every time there is a new understanding, people need a period of time to accept it. However, science is constantly developing, and we should recognize nature in a way of developing thinking.


For example, many doctors do not accept the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, however, only when they go deep into the study, they can really understand and understand.

But many Western doctors and scientists are busy with their work. They have no time or interest to study the superstitions in their eyes. They believe that people only have physical bodies, and they are unwilling to believe in the existence of consciousness and soul, which prevents them from further understanding.

"Although this phenomenon is still not generally accepted by the medical community, I am not worried about it." "Because this day is coming, and it's coming, step by step," Korotkov said.



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