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A muscle affects the whole shoulder!

2019-04-10 15:01:37 1768

Shoulder periarthritis is a common joint disease in our life. Do you know that if the tendinitis of biceps longus is not treated in time, it will easily lead to scapulohumeral periarthritis? Shoulder stiffness and pain, inability to move, the whole shoulder does not listen to the call, as if the shoulder is abandoned, pain in the day, night, work pain, off-duty pain...

Difference between periarthritis of shoulder and tendinitis of long head of biceps brachii


Periarthritis of shoulder, or periarthritis of shoulder, is a disease of shoulder pain and limited motor function caused by soft tissue degenerative and inflammatory diseases such as shoulder joints and surrounding tendons, ligaments, tendon sheaths and bursa.

Periarthritis of shoulder, commonly speaking, is mainly related to inflammation of periarthritis of shoulder tendon and tendon sheath, in which the tendon involved is the long head tendon of biceps brachii muscle.

However, it is difficult to distinguish the two in terms of anatomical structure and functional limitation. In most cases, periarthritis of shoulder will involve the long head tendon of biceps brachii muscle, while the possibility of the long head tendinitis of biceps brachii muscle exists independently is less.

Functionally speaking, when the shoulder joint extends backward, adducts and rotates inward, the tendon should first slide upward, while when the shoulder joint flexes forward, abducts and rotates outward, the tendon of long head of biceps brachii muscle should slide downward. The main abduction function of the upper arm is the biceps longus tendon.


From the pathological mechanism, when the upper limb flexes elbow in abduction position, the long head tendon of biceps brachii tendon is easy to wear and tear. Long-term friction or excessive activity can cause tendon sheath congestion, edema and thickening, resulting in acute edema or chronic injurious inflammation of the synovial layer of tendon sheath, leading to the gliding function of the long head tendon of biceps brachii in tendon sheath disorders, thus causing clinical symptoms, known as biceps brachii tendon length. Head tendinitis or tenosynovitis.

The disease also occurs in middle-aged people over 40 years old. Acute onset of shoulder pain is one of the common causes, mostly due to trauma or strain. The main clinical manifestations were shoulder pain, obvious tenderness and limited shoulder movement. If not treated in time, the increase of muscles involved will develop periarthritis of shoulder.

What is the manifestation of tendinitis of long head of biceps brachii?

They hurt


Early shoulder movement was not significantly limited, but pain occurred during abduction, extension and rotation. After gradual aggravation, shoulder movement was limited and the affected hand could not touch the contralateral subscapular angle.


Anterior shoulder pain can radiate to the anterolateral part of the upper arm, aggravate at night, aggravate after shoulder movement, and improve after rest. It is difficult to wear and take off clothes in acute stage because of the inability to take the affected lateral decubitus position.


The pressure pain at the intertubercular sulcus of humerus was obvious.


In the case of resistance, severe pain occurred around the long head tendon of biceps brachii muscle during elbow flexion and forearm supination.

The pain range is wide. It can be seen that shoulder joint stiffness and muscle atrophy evolve into scapulohumeral periarthritis.

How to choose non-surgical treatment for biceps tendinitis?



1.Massage therapy:

By kneading, holding, pinching, rolling, trembling and other manipulations, the shoulder joint can be passively moved to improve local blood supply and promote functional recovery.

2Local physiotherapy or hot compress:

Local physiotherapy or hot compress can help to relieve inflammation.

3.Take anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs:

It can relieve pain. Diclofenac, ibuprofen and indomethacin have better effects and less side effects.

4.Small needle knife treatment:

It can relieve pain, effectively release and further prevent joint adhesion, and restore shoulder joint function.

5.Rehabilitation exercise:

In daily life, reasonable exercise of shoulder muscles plays a certain role in rehabilitation.


a:Boom movement

Upper extremity adduction on the affected side, forearm of the healthy side holding the affected elbow, forearm flexion on the healthy side, so that upper extremity of the affected side as close as possible to the chest, that is, when pain occurs, hold and maintain for about 15 seconds, then relax for about 15 seconds, and repeat. It can be done 5-10 times, one minute at a time.

b:Wall climbing movement

Face the wall, climb up slowly with both hands or affected hands along the wall, so that the upper limbs as high as possible, and then slowly return to the original place, repeated. It can be done 5-10 times, one minute at a time.

c:Post stretching

Hands backward back, with a healthy hand to pull the affected limb wrist or with a towel to pull the affected limb, gradually upward pull up, repeated. It can be done 5-10 times, one minute at a time.

d:Pendulum movement