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Abdominal examination

2019-02-20 09:14:27 1874

Abdominal pain is almost ubiquitous in our lives. Whether we are ourselves or our relatives and friends around us, it is inevitable that abdominal pain will occur from time to time. No matter where the pain is, in fact, different organs are affected and the pain is reflected to us. Therefore, we should know the location of the various organs in our abdomen, so as to suit the right medicine and find out the problem in time.


1、Left upper abdomen


The position of the left upper abdomen is usually the stomach, which is the enlarged position of the esophagus in our body. Usually, it helps us digest the food we eat through continuous peristalsis. If there is pain here, it may be chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and even gastric cancer. We should try to eat less irritating food and reduce the damage to the stomach.



2、Middle and upper abdomen


The location of the mid-upper abdomen is the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine and most of the pancreas, which help us digest. If there is pain, it may be the precursor of duodenal ulcer, intestinal obstruction, intestinal obstruction syndrome, acute and chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. We should avoid drinking strong alcohol and eating less spicy and irritating food. Material.

3、Right upper abdomen


The position of the right upper abdomen is probably the liver and gallbladder, and the liver is the organ of digestive system for toxin removal and decomposition. The gallbladder's function is to store and concentrate the bile. Most of the pain in the right upper abdomen may be caused by hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver and hepatocellular carcinoma.

4、Right and left abdomen


The left and right abdomen is the kidney, and the kidney is the place where urine is produced, which can remove toxins and waste accumulated in our body and promote metabolism. Once the kidney has problems, it may be nephritis, kidney stones or kidney failure and other diseases.


5、Mid abdomen


The middle position of the abdomen generally includes the small intestine and the large intestine, which is an important part of the digestive system. Therefore, most of the diseases here are related to colitis, colon polyps and colon tumors, and more attention should be paid to them.

6、Left abdomen


This location includes not only the kidney, but also the descending colon. If we don't improve and control our eating habits, there will be some pain and organ aging, which will eventually evolve into the descending colon polyp and the descending colon adenoma.

7、Right lower abdomen


This part is our appendix, which allows us to store useful bacteria in our body, helps digest more quickly, and supports the immune system. If the pain doesn't need to be talked about, it may be an acute or chronic appendicitis attack.

8、Middle lower abdomen


The mid-lower abdomen is generally close to our genitals and bladder, which is also very important for us. On the one hand, the bladder stores urine, on the other hand, the genitals can satisfy our next generation's gestation. Therefore, if this part of pain can not be taken lightly, it may be cystitis, bladder stones, bladder tumors and other diseases, as well as men and women. Sexual genital diseases and so on, we must pay more attention to timely detection of disease and correct treatment.

9、Left lower abdomen


Most of the lower left part is made up of the large intestine. If there is a problem in the large intestine, it will reduce the protective mucosa in our body, and it will not be able to lubricate the feces very well. Over the years, major diseases such as colon and rectum accumulate.



Only by understanding our body structure can we know the causes of our discomfort at the first time, so as to find a more accurate and rapid treatment method, solve the problem as soon as possible, and investigate the existence of the disease.
