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We all know the importance of pelvic impact on the human body. When a person is upright, a stable pelvis is needed to maintain physical stability.
Gluteal and posterior femoral muscles: such as gluteus maximus, middle and small muscles, semitendinosus, Semimembranous muscles, biceps femoris, etc. It can maintain pelvic retroversion. The largest muscle attached to the pelvis is the gluteal muscle. The stability of the pelvis depends on the gluteal muscle, which is strong and balanced by tension on both sides. Gluteal muscle weakness can cause pelvic instability; unequal gluteal muscle tension on both sides can cause pelvic rotation, further leading to lower extremity lesions.
In clinic, gluteal muscle weakness is found in most patients with chronic low back pain, which leads to pelvic instability. Spine from stabilization to instability is a dynamic and gradual process, with a process from quantity accumulation to quality change. During this period, it has experienced a relatively complex process of compensation. Compensation of function, structure and metabolism coexists and influences each other. Generally, functional compensation occurs quickly and structural compensation occurs relatively late. Long-term functional compensation can cause structural changes, structural compensation can make the function lasting enhancement, and metabolic compensation is the basis of functional and structural compensation.
Any treatment of spinal instability has its merits, and there must be some shortcomings. It can not be perfect. There is only one principle for the choice of treatment methods: learn from each other's strengths to make up for each other's weaknesses. The basis of selection is to comprehensively understand and compare the advantages and disadvantages of various treatment methods, and to accurately recognize and analyze specific cases.