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Why does the knee accumulate water?

2019-01-28 10:00:40 1409

Knee hydrops

Knee effusion, also known as knee effusion, is actually a clinical manifestation. There are many joint injuries hidden behind the knee effusion. Generally speaking, joint infection, joint inflammation, meniscus injury, synovitis and other diseases may lead to knee effusion.


A key


The gap between our bones and bones, the articular cavity, is filled with water and air, and synovial fluid, which of course is very small. Joint synovial fluid is secreted by synovial membrane, and is constantly absorbed and metabolized. When the synovium of the knee joint is abnormal, the secretion and metabolism of effusion will be unbalanced, so that more secretion, less metabolism, will produce knee effusion.

A key


What should we do when knee effusion occurs?


A key


So how to prevent knee effusion?


Knee effusion is a symptom in itself, and our focus should be on the joint disease behind the effusion. If it is found that there are related diseases, please seek medical treatment in time to avoid the increasingly serious development of the disease, and eventually become uncontrollable.
