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What are the hazards of pelvic irregularities

2019-01-28 08:55:57 1756

The pelvis is a joint located in the center of the body, that is to say, it plays a role of functional chain between the lower limbs and the spine. One of the reasons why the pelvis has a great relationship in physical mechanics is the pelvis, if there is a mechanical imbalance, the direct result is the structural problem.


The pelvis operates because of the muscles. The strength of the muscles enables the pelvis to maintain functional balance. For example, a muscle contraction will tilt the pelvis to one side or rotate to the other side, which will gradually update in the coming days.


Harm of pelvic malformation

1.The most direct hazard is that the lumbar interarticular pressure will be too high when doing weight-bearing exercises. Looking directly at the figure below, the pelvis tends to flex due to excessive forward tilt of the upper lumbar spine. At this time, if we carry on weight-bearing again, the problem can be imagined.


2.Facial asymmetry caused by pelvic malformation


As shown in the figure above, the pelvis rotates to the left, and the spine rotates to the right, either in the thoracic spine or in the cervical spine. Therefore, the rotation of the pelvis will lead to the opposite rotation of the abdominal muscles and fascia, and the opposite rotation of the shoulder to the right side of the head, which will affect the asymmetry of the face.

3.Pelvic health directly affects women's fertility. Pelvis is an important part to protect women's ovaries, uterus, bladder and so on. Once the dislocation is tilted, it will easily affect the growth and metabolism of the fetus, leading to congenital hypoplasia or malformation of the fetus.

4.Leg pain, sciatica, lumbar disc herniation, gluteal or leg muscle atrophy, scoliosis, chest pain, high and low shoulders, and various cervical spondylosis are related to pelvic tilt.


5.Before and after childbirth, myofascial layer serves as vaginal support, is the strong and firm foundation of vagina, vaginal relaxation, and the key reason for aging is the aging of fascial layer. Vaginal relaxation can also be caused by pelvic ectropion, valgus, crotch protrusion and posterior hip and sacral suture.

