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Monday lecture

Skull Anatomical Color Map

2019-01-14 09:51:35 1992

The skull is located above the spine and consists of 23 flat bones and irregular bones. It is divided into two parts: brain and face. The skull consists of a pair of parietal and temporal bones, and an unmatched frontal, sphenoidal, occipital and ethmoid bone, consisting of 8 pieces, enclosed in a cranial cavity, containing the brain. The facial skull consists of a pair of maxilla, zygoma, nasal bone, lacrimal bone, palate bone and inferior turbinate bone, and a pair of plowbones, mandibles and hyoid bones, consisting of 15 skeletal scaffolds for the orbit, nasal cavity, oral cavity and face.


1. On the top of the skull, it is oval in shape, wide in front and narrow in back. The upper part of the skull is called the skull cap. There are three sutures: the coronal suture between frontal bone and parietal bone, the sagittal suture between parietal bone and the herringbone suture between parietal bone and occipital bone.

2. Cranial lateral view consists of frontal bone, sphenoid bone, parietal bone, temporal bone and occipital bone. In the middle of the side, there is the external ear door. The protuberance behind the external ear door is the mastoid process. In the temporal fossa, there are pterions at the junction of frontal bone, parietal bone, temporal bone and sphenoid bone.

3. Precranial view: orbital and osseous nasal cavity.

(1) The orbit is divided into bottom, apex and four walls. The orbital apex has optic nerve foramen, and the inferior orbital wall has infraorbital groove, canal and foramen.

(2) The lateral wall of the skeletal nasal cavity has three bone slices protruding downward, which are called upper turbinate, middle turbinate and inferior turbinate respectively from top to bottom. The space under each turbinate is called upper nasal meatus, middle nasal meatus and lower nasal meatus respectively.


4. Outside the skull base, the front part of the skull base is called the palate, which is surrounded by the horizontal plate of the maxilla and palate. The middle part is the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone. In the middle part, there is a large foramen, which is called the foramen occipitalis. There are rupture foramen, jugular foramen and external orifice of the carotid artery canal in the front and

5. The intracranial view of the skull base is divided into three fossa from front to back.

(1) anterior cranial fossa consists of frontal orbital part, ethmoid plate and sphenoid wing.

(2) The middle cranial fossa consists of sphenoid body, great wing and petrous part of temporal bone.

(3) Posterior fossa occipital foramen magnum, occipital protuberance, transverse sinus sulcus, sigmoid sinus sulcus and hypoglossal nerve canal.


















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