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Not esophageal cancer, but cervical spondylosis

2019-04-10 16:03:00 1753

The cervical spine is occupied by the nerve centers that enter and exit the brain, from which the sensations of all parts of the body are uploaded to the head-in-chief brain. Because of the large amount of exercise and the special location, it will enter a troublesome autumn after middle age. However, some patients are often misdiagnosed as eye diseases, esophageal cancer, cardiovascular hysteria and so on.


The following symptoms are most likely to be misdiagnosed:



Dysphagia: Some patients were suspected of esophageal cancer, but gastroscopy was normal, and CT scan showed cervical spondylosis. In clinic, it is found that most patients with cervical spondylosis have pharyngeal inflammation to varying degrees, which causes spasm, contraction, degeneration, muscle tension decrease, ligament relaxation, destroy local integrity and stability, eventually lead to internal and external imbalance, leading to cervical spondylosis.


High or low blood pressure: Cervical spondylosis can cause blood pressure to rise or fall, but the former is more common, known as cervical hypertension. This is related to the stimulation of sympathetic nerve by bone. Patients often have typical manifestations such as neck pain, tightening and upper limb numbness.



Chest pain: It is caused by the nerve root of the 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae compressed by hyperosteogeny. Beginning to feel pain in one breast or pectoralis major muscle, intermittent dull pain or paroxysmal tingling, turning the head to one side is most obvious, sometimes the pain is unbearable. If the pain occurs on the left side, it is easy to be misdiagnosed as angina pectoris and pleurisy on the right side.


Lower extremity paralysis or defecation disorder: It is caused by stimulation of the lateral vertebral tract of the spinal cord. The patient's upper limbs were numb, painful and limping, and most of the neck symptoms were mild and easily concealed. Some are accompanied by frequent urination, urgency of urination, incomplete urination or urinary incontinence.


Visual impairment: Cervical spondylosis can also be manifested as visual impairment, intermittent blurred vision, pain in one or both eyes, photophobia, tearing, narrowing field of vision, and severe blindness. This visual impairment is related to autonomic nervous dysfunction caused by cervical spondylosis or ischemia of the visual center of the brain. According to statistics, 0.67% of patients with cervical spondylosis have eye manifestations, but most of them have other symptoms of cervical spondylosis.



Vertigo, nausea and dizziness: those with mild dizziness stop with their eyes closed, while those with severe dizziness stop with nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. Vertigo can be seen in various diseases, only in internal medicine, can be seen in hypertension, hypotension, anemia, insufficient cerebral blood supply, minimal Nile syndrome, etc.




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