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Scapula raised, butterfly bone spot morbidity

2019-03-04 14:41:47 3697


This beautiful woman's beautiful back must have noticed the protruding bones on her back. This shoulder blade has been specially named "Butterfly Bone".

Every girl is an angel with broken wings, but this beautiful looking butterfly bone is not an angel's wing, but a devil's wing. Professionally speaking, this is called "winged shoulder blade".

This phenomenon of scapula upheaval is not only beautiful women, many children have, mainly because the children now carry too heavy backpack, pressure on our local tissues and nerves caused by, in addition, the children's daily posture problems.


So-called sexy butterfly bones? It's actually a winged shoulder!

In fact, the butterfly bones are not only a symbol of beautiful back, but also a bad posture - wing shoulder. Normal scapula should be close to chest wall. The winged shoulder is the phenomenon that the inner edge of the shoulder appears outward and backward when the upper arm moves and the scapula rotates. It is also likened to wings. (Of course, it's normal for young children to have such symptoms, but older children and adults need to pay attention to it.)

Harm of winged scapula

① Influencing Aesthetics

②Cause imbalance of muscle strength around scapula, pain around scapula

③Affect the stability of the scapula, causing shoulder pain

④ Reducing flexibility of shoulder joint

⑤ Affecting the thoracic and cervical spines, leading to neck and shoulder pain

How to judge winged scapula?

1、Observing whether the medial margin is tilted in a relaxed state (it is difficult to distinguish between more fat)


2、When the arm is raised forward, observe whether the medial edge of the scapula is raised


3、Extend your arms backwards and touch the opposite scapula with your hands. Observe whether the medial edge of the scapula is tilted.


Causes of wing scapula formation

The causes of the formation of pterygoid scapula can be roughly divided into two types: primary and secondary.

Primary scapular dysplasia is mostly caused by congenital factors, which is more common in children, usually due to neurogenic, bone, soft tissue defects and so on. Congenital pterygoid scapula can also be improved by training muscle control.

Secondary pterygoid scapula is usually caused by imbalance of muscle strength. There are four main muscles affecting scapular movement: serratus anterior, rhomboid, trapezius and pectoralis minor.

There are two kinds of valgus:

1、One is that the medial edge of the scapula is turned upside down due to the weakness of the rhomboid and serratus anterior muscles. Strengthening the rhomboid and anterior muscles can make the scapula close to the back.;

2、The other is the lower scapular angle upward warping, because the pectoralis minor muscle is too tight, the inferior trapezius muscle is weak, so it is necessary to release the pectoralis minor muscle and strengthen the inferior trapezius muscle.。


Rhomboid muscle

Starting point: 6, 7 cervical spines and 1-5 thoracic spinous processes.

Endpoint: medial edge of scapula.

Function: When the scapula is near fixed, it can lift, retract and rotate. When remotely fixed, both sides contract to extend the thoracic spine.

Serratus anterior

Starting point: upper 8-9 lateral ribs.

Stop point: front of medial edge and lower corner of scapula.

Function: Protrusion of scapula and contraction of lower muscle fibers during proximal fixation can make scapula descend and rotate upward. When remotely fixed, the ribs can be lifted to assist breathing.

Pectoralis minor

Starting point: ribs 3-5

Endpoint: coracoid process of scapula

Function: Protrude, descend and rotate the scapula in proximal fixation. When remotely fixed, the ribs can be lifted to assist in inhalation.

The trapezius muscle

Starting point: upper nape line, external occipital protuberance, nape ligament, 7th cervical spinous process, all thoracic spinous processes and their supraspinal ligaments.

Endpoint: lateral clavicle 1/3, acromion and scapular spine.

Function: When entering fixation, the upper muscle fibers contract, which makes the scapula lift up, turn up and retract. The middle muscle fibers contract, which makes the scapula retract, and the lower muscle fibers contract, which makes the scapula descend, turn up and retract.

Was it shot? Do it!

Improve daily habits

The backpack shouldn't be too heavy, the backpack strap shouldn't be too tight, or too thin, in order to avoid excessive pressure on the shoulder and injure the long thoracic nerve and accessory nerve. In the process of shoulder walking, we should have a proper rest, so that the part can get a certain interval, in order to relax and decompress the pressure. It is conducive to the recovery of nervous function.

Pay attention to daily posture

Long-term desk work leads to round shoulder hunched back, so that the back muscles will be long-term elongated, thus triggering changes in muscle resultant force to scapula, forming winged scapula.

Strengthen Muscle Exercise


Stretching pectoralis minor muscle



Wall Angel

This movement trains the flexibility of the thoracic spine and scapula and promotes their rhythm. Put your hands against the wall, then slide your shoulders down, keep your body still, just keep your shoulders down and up. 10 times, 5 groups.
