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Diagnosis and management of cervical vertigo

2019-01-11 13:56:50 1581

Date of broadcasting: 8-9 p.m. on Friday, 22 June

Special Lecture: Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Vertigo

Speaker: Mr. Jiang Longda

Health Care Broadcasting: Taiwanese Traditional Soft Maneuver Health Care Exchange Platform for National Chain Institutions




Cervical vertigo preferences tend to be long-term desk workers, such as white-collar workers, foreign enterprises, teachers, authors, long-term mobile phone bowers...

It is characterized by: vertigo; especially in the morning, can be divided into chronic persistent and paroxysmal severe vertigo; you can not underestimate cervical vertigo, it can make people feel depressed, fatigue and sleepiness, nausea and vomiting, tinnitus and deafness, visual impairment and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Moreover, among the patients who came to see the doctor, there were pupils in grade three and those in their fifties.

Auntie, come in with your arm and leave with your eyes open and smiling...

Speaking of this, we can not wait to ask: how to judge whether it belongs to cervical vertigo? Should conditioning be effective after diagnosis?



At 8-9 p.m. on Friday, June 22, in the public welfare Hall of traditional soft manipulation in Taiwan, Mr. Jiang Longda is busy. With his rich clinical experience, he devotes pure dry goods to the diagnosis and treatment of cervical vertigo to meet your problems. Let's learn together.
